Need someone to come get a honey bee swarm?

Please follow the steps below in order

Our members are happy to come get a honey bee swarm at no cost as long as the following steps on this page are taken. Please read on and a link for a list of beekeepers will be presented.

Honey bee swarms can be found in trees, on cars, homes, and fence posts……really any outdoor structure. A typical swarm will only be present & exposed outside for a short time (from about 30 minutes to a few days). 

If you have honey bees living INSIDE a structure such as a building or a tree, this is not a swarm, but is an established colony and you would need to have what is called a “cut out” performed. Our members do not perform cut outs, but there is a contact for cut outs on the swarm list (they usually charge a fee).

Step 1 – Are they honey bees?

Let’s make sure what you have is a honey bee swarm

Many bees and wasps look like honey bees. Our members are only interested in retrieving honey bee swarms.

If you determine that you are not seeing honey bees, and you want them removed, please contact a local exterminator. Our members will not remove wasps (such as yellow jackets), hornets, or other types of bees. 

Examples of some honey bee swarms are shown.

Step 2 – Is the swarm accessible?

Please make sure the beekeeper can get to the swarm

Before calling one our our beekeepers, be sure the swarm is in a location they have permission to be on. It’s best to take photos of the swarm and be sure to show how high it is from the ground. Be prepared to share the photos with the beekeeper if they ask.

Most of our beekeepers have equipment to get swarms from certain heights (like trees or buildings), but there are limits and the beekeeper will tell you if they are comfortable with the situation. If they are not, please just call the next beekeeper on the list.

Step 3 – Call a beekeeper

If you are confident they are honey bees, click the link below

Feel free to call any member on the list in the link below.  If you don’t get an answer or the beekeeper is unavailable, please call another on the list regardless of their location in the county.