Swarm Catcher List

Do you have a honey bee swarm in Davie County, NC and want someone to come get it?

If available, local beekeepers are willing to come collect your honey bee swarm free of charge.

Honey bee swarms are not typically dangerous because the bees are not in a defensive mood.  Even though the swarm as a whole is not defending a permanent home, if the swarm is disturbed too much, individual bees will take defensive actions.  If you are not familiar with honey bees or you are not 100% sure what you see is a honey bee swarm, please use caution and leave them alone.  If you plan to call someone from our list to come get the swarm, please DO NOT spray the bees or disturb them.

Please follow these steps IN ORDER:

STEP ONE:  Make sure it is a honey bee swarm.  If you are not 100% sure you have a honey bee swarm, please check THIS PAGE.


STEP TWO:  Gather the following information.

  • Where is the swarm?  Address and accessibility…..can we get to it?
  • How high is the swarm from the ground (approximately)?
  • Do you know how long the swarm has been there?
  • How large is the swarm? Size of a baseball, football, basketball?…….bigger?
  • If possible, take a photo of the swarm to be ready to send to our swarm catchers.


STEP THREE:  Click the link below for our list of local beekeepers interested in swarms.  If you can’t reach someone on the list, please try another.  Most of these people are not full-time beekeepers.

Calling the beekeepers from our list does not imply that they are obligated to come as they are all volunteering time and may have other work/personal obligations. Also, because the volunteers are not insured or bonded, if the swarm location is considered risky or dangerous (high in a tree or within a structure), they may not be able to assist in removal to avoid damage to person or property. We are not professional exterminators.

If you have honeybees that are living inside of a structure and you would like them safely removed (called a cutout), there is a contact at the bottom of the list for someone to call.